
appointments can be made by calling or texting 815-513-4454, through facebook or online. if i am with a client, please leave a detailed message and i will promptly return your call. clients are seen by appointment only. i recommend scheduling your appointment as far in advance as possible to ensure availability. i kindly request that you notify me at least 24 hours in advance in the event that you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment. i reserve the right to charge for any missed appointment without notice. as a courtesy to all of my clients, a prompt appointment schedule is adhered to; late appointments may not be honored. treatments that begin late will still finish at the scheduled time, so that other guests are not inconvenienced. a service charge will still be applied. ??please arrive on time for your appointment. for insurance purposes, a client cannot be seen until the necessary paperwork has been completed. for that same reason, please do not bring small children to your appointment.

Preparing for a facial

be sure to allow enough time to fill out a comprehensive intake prior to your treatment. if you have allergies or sensitivities or are taking medications for acne or are on antibiotics please call ahead of your appointment to make sure you are ok to receive a service. plan to arrive a little early so you will not feel rushed and can enjoy the entire length of your treatment. remember that your hair may become damp during the facial, and will usually be held back from your face with a soft wrap or headband, so you may not want to schedule a public appearance right after your facial! after a facial, your skin will be soft, smooth and well hydrated. however, if multiple extractions were needed or if you required a fair amount of exfoliation, your face may be somewhat rosy for one to two hours or more, depending on how sensitive your skin is. this is quite normal. you can apply mineral makeup after your facial if there is some redness you want to conceal. to avoid sensitivities please discontinue use of aha (retinol, retin-a) products 48 hours prior to waxing and exfoliating services. do not schedule waxing services for at least six months after completing accutane medication.

Preparing for wax treatment

waxing is the most common method of hair removal in spas today. hair on any part of the body or face can be waxed. warm wax is applied to the area and then removed, bringing the hair with it. waxing reduces hair growth when performed at regular 30-day intervals. because waxing pulls the hair out by the root, it grows back softer, finer, and thinner. the more you wax, the less hair grows back. let the hair grow out to about a quarter-inch or more above the skin (about the length of a grain of rice). if hairs are too short, the wax won’t adhere strongly enough to pull them out. to make the waxing service (bikini, brazilian, leg, underarm) go smoothly i recommend you exfoliate that area with an exfolating mitt up to 24 hours before your appointment time. do not apply lotion to the skin before your waxing appointment. to avoid sensitivities please discontinue use of aha (retinol, retin-a) products 48 hours prior to waxing and exfoliating services. do not schedule waxing services for at least six months after completing accutane medication.

Home care after waxing

it’s important to care for the waxed area properly after treatment to prevent ingrown hairs, breakouts, or other reactions. start exfoliating 48-72 hours after your wax with an exfoliation mit and antibacterial soap (dial liquid gold is good) daily in the shower between waxing appointments (intimate waxing only). if you are prone to ingrown hairs, let your know so i can recommend a product to help prevent them. avoid using a bar soap because it leaves a film on the body that could cause ingrown hairs. for the face, back, and chest, use a more gentle exfoliant and an anti-breakout lotion (ask me about recommended products). directly after waxing, avoid direct sunlight and tanning booths, especially while the skin is still red from treatment. use of sunscreen on those areas is very important or you could develop hyperpigmentation (dark spots). for 24 hours after waxing, avoid exercise, hot tubs, intimate activities, and products with harsh chemicals, perfumes, or dyes. apply a gentle moisturizer 72 hours after treatment. for bikini and brazilian waxes i also recommend loose pants and seamless underwear or no underwear to help prevent friction related ingrown hairs. always call or text with any questions or concerns. i can't help you if you don't let me know