How to assemble


First use the motherboard outside of the case because it will be easier install most of the pices. Follow the given instructions on the purchased hardware to install the CPU, CPU cooler, and ram onto the board. This will most likely just be a lot of screwing things in.


Next the motherboard can be entered into the case (make sure the standoffs are installed first) and screwed in at each standoff.
Once the motherboard is installed you can snap the GPU into place and screw it in.


At any point you can install the power supply. The cage that houses it can be removed and the power supply can be screwed back into it before being reentered into the case.


Finally you just have to take all of your cables and plug them all together. It sounds complicated but most of them should be labled.


Congrats! You have a working PC.

*You will still need to install the software and drivers required for your computer*