High School Text
High School Program

     Most design colleges require students to take at least one year of basic art and design classes before being included in the degree program. Since not all high schools have a variety of art and design classes, there are a lot of high school programs available.

Art ClassDesign Class


     One high school graphic design program in Illinois is the Graphic Design Program at IVVC. There are two different classes available, Graphic Design I and Graphic Design II. In these classes, there are Mac computers for the students to work on, along with a variety of design programs. The classes engage in many different tasks, such as making club logos and even movie posters. The class teaches all the fundementals of color coordination, product layouts, using cameras, and many more. To apply to IVVC, you need to be directed by the guidance counselor at your school. Some basic information about IVVC is it is a seperate school from your high school. You travel there during the school day to take your graphic design class, and return to your high school after to take your core classes.


Skill Share

     It appears that there are no high school graphic design classes that are in person near Hinckley, Illinois. Although, there are a lot of online classes and programs. One website is called Skill Share, and there are thousand of videos of graphic design instructors walking students through the basics of graphic design. There are many different courses to choose from, and when one is chosen, there are a lot of lessons within. Some of the videos include tutorials on programs, the basics of design, and graphic design trends today. There are some classes that are free, but majority of the site is locked until a subscription is payed for. The subscription is $8.25 a month ($99 billed anually) or $19.00 a month (billed monthly). The first 2 months are free as well, once you sign up. The benefits of the subscription include the unlimited access to videos and access to teachers that are experts in their specific field.



Career Task
Education Requirements
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Career Choice
Vocabulary Words

Career Task

Education Requirements

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Career Choice

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