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Vocab Words

A lot of the words used in graphc design come from art and web design. There is a large variety of words about colors, text fonts, and webpage layouts.

1. Typeface

Typeface is the overall design of the lettering. Examples are the font, coloring, shadows, and the weight (bold, light-bold, thin, etc.). You can see in the image that the five different examples have different fonts, weights, and sizes. There is a large variety and each examples signifies a different mood.


2. Serif

Serif are the curves at the end of letters or characters. The red is highlighting the curves on the letters, and seperating them form the rest of the letter.


3. Sans-Serif

“Sans” means “without”, so this means there are no curves at the end of letters or characters. The dotted lines are showing the straight edges compared to the curved or rounded edges in Serif.


4. Kerning

This is the space in between letters or characters. It can also be adjusted to reach size capacity. Kerning always the creator to increase the space or decrease the space between the letters. One may want to do this to stretch out the word or compress the word into a small space.


5. Hex

Hex is a 6 digit number and letter code that is used in design programs to assign a certain colors for properties such as background or text colors. Each color has a specific number code that is different from all other colors.


6. Skeuomorphism

This is when a digital element is a replica of what the “real-life” physical element would look like. In the image, you can see a digital replica of a microphone, calculator, compass, and many other examples. The replicas look a lot like the real-life objects, which is what skeuomorphism is.



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